JAPA ry in English
What is JAPA?
We are a non-profit and politically independent association promoting sustainable development in Jyväskylä. Our goal is to get sustainable development and living a part of the residents’ everyday lives.
What we do?
Our activities include planning and implementation of various sustainable development -related projects and events. We work in close cooperation with local residents’ associations, the city of Jyväskylä, and the waste management center Mustankorkea.
For example, we educate people on issues related to waste, such as waste reduction and recycling. We do this in cooperation with the waste management center Mustankorkea.
One of our goals is to reduce private motoring and to promote public transportation and other, more sustainable ways of travelling. As one of our means to achieve that goal, we have set up the Cargo Bike Borrowing Shop, from which anyone can borrow a cargo bike, free of charge. You can find more information about the shop here (in Finnish).
Award winning project ReWi Visions
ReWi Visions project was organized by JAPA ry and the Jyväskylä region 4H club between 2019–2021. The project was granted funding from the EU’s agricultural fund through the organization Leader Jyväsriihi. “ReWi” itself is short for Resource Wisdom. The project relies on themes that young people find interesting. These include sustainable development, circular economy, well-being and employment. The main goal of the project has been to strengthen young people’s entrepreneurship and work life skills from the viewpoint of sustainable ways of life, circular economy and their local communities.
ReWi Visions won the Rural Inspiration Award in the category of Green Futures in 2021. The award was awarded by ENRD (European Network of Rural Development).
See the projects website here.
To learn more about us and our activities, please contact us by email toimisto @ japary.fi